Unlock the Power of the

"Other 90%" of Your Mind:

Reprogram Negative

Patterns, Replace Anxiety

with Calmness, and Live

a More Balanced Life

Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD by

Tapping Into the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

When it comes to anxiety, depression, and PTSD, there’s more at play than just conscious

thought. The mind, particularly the subconscious, holds the key to breaking the cycle of fear,

stress, and worry. If you’ve been struggling with intrusive thoughts, physical symptoms,

or emotional overwhelm, it’s time to dig deeper and take control.

Unlock the Power of the "Other 90%" of Your Mind: Reprogram Negative Patterns, Replace Anxiety with Calmness, and Live a More Balanced Life

Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD by Tapping Into the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

When it comes to anxiety, depression, and PTSD, there’s more at play than just conscious

thought. The mind, particularly the subconscious, holds the key to breaking the cycle of fear,

stress, and worry. If you’ve been struggling with intrusive thoughts, physical symptoms,

or emotional overwhelm, it’s time to dig deeper and take control.

Subconscious Recalibration Method™

Subconscious Recalibration Method™ is a therapy method I’ve created to help my clients address anxiety, depression, and PTSD using a blend of subconscious techniques and actionable strategies:

  • Subconscious Reprogramming: We focus on identifying negative automatic thoughts stored in the subconscious, often rooted in past trauma or limiting beliefs. Techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and subconscious mind visualization help reframe these thoughts into healthier, more empowering beliefs.

  • Automatic Thought Interruptions: Anxiety often manifests through a cycle of fear-based thoughts. By becoming aware of these automatic responses, we can interrupt them and replace them with positive, self-affirming statements. This helps shift the subconscious mind from a state of high alert to one of peace.

  • Reality Testing: Your subconscious can trick you into thinking danger is ever-present, even when it’s not. Using reality testing techniques, we evaluate if the threat is real or imagined, which helps calm the mind and reset its responses.

  • Building Positive Emotions: We train your subconscious to focus on positive emotions like gratitude and appreciation. By practicing intentional exercises, such as journaling what you're thankful for or setting small, positive goals, you gradually shift your mindset from one that seeks out negativity to one that recognizes the abundance around you.

  • Breaking the Fight-or-Flight Cycle: The subconscious is responsible for triggering the fight-or-flight response. When this becomes overactive, anxiety and PTSD take hold. Through relaxation and grounding techniques, we help quiet this response and bring the body back into a state of calm.

By tapping into the "other 90%" of your mind—your subconscious—you can reprogram those negative thought patterns, replace anxiety with calmness, and start living a more balanced life. It's about doing the right work, not necessarily the hardest work. The tools are simple, but they require practice and dedication. With each step, you’re rewiring your brain for resilience and strength.

Together, we’ll help you harness the power within to finally overcome anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Together, we’ll help you harness the power within to

finally overcome anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Don’t Let Anxiety, Depression, or PTSD Hold You Back Any Longer

If you’re feeling stuck—whether it’s in your relationships, your career, or just in life—it’s time to make a change. Anxiety, depression, and PTSD don’t have to define you or control your future. You might feel like your past experiences have built walls around your life, keeping you from living the way you want to. But here’s the truth: those walls can come down. You don’t have to keep reliving the same pain, fear, or frustration.

You Deserve to Live Your Best Life

Think about all the things you could do if those mental barriers weren’t holding you back. Your relationships could be more meaningful, your career more fulfilling, and your daily life more peaceful. You don’t have to let your past dictate your future. You have the power to change your story—and it starts by taking the first step.

A Proven Approach Based on Experience and Science

I’ve been there. As a military law enforcement (Air Force EST) veteran, and a civilian firefighter and paramedic… I am someone who has personally navigated the depths of PTSD, I know how overwhelming it can feel. I’ve spent years figuring out what works and what doesn’t—and now I’m sharing that with you.

My Subconscious Recalibration Method™ is designed to tap into the science of how your mind processes trauma, anxiety, and depression. This isn’t guesswork—it’s a science-based model that gets to the root of the problem so you can move on with your life quickly and efficiently.

You’re not stuck. You just haven’t been given the right tools yet. And that’s where I come in.

Your Time Is Now—Don’t Wait Any Longer

The worst thing you can do is wait. The more time you let pass, the deeper these issues can become. You’ve already spent enough time letting anxiety, depression, or PTSD run your life. Now is the time to take control, to reclaim your mental health, and start living the life you deserve. Every day you delay is a day you lose to fear, stress, and frustration. But today could be the day you change that.

Why Private Pay Is Better for You

This process is private pay—meaning no insurance is involved. That’s a good thing. With private pay, you get faster access to care without the delays, restrictions, and privacy concerns that come with insurance. Your information stays between you and my practice—no third parties involved. You control your care, your pace, and your privacy. And because it’s private, you get the help you need faster, without the long wait times or extra hoops.

Take the First Step: Book Your Free 15-Minute Consult

You’ve already taken the hardest step by looking for help. Now it’s time to take action. Schedule your free 15-minute consultation, and let’s figure out how to get you unstuck, on track to healing, and back to living your life.

If you live in or near any of the following cities or areas, Dr. Bruce can work with you:

Phone us: (972) 213-2783

Texas | Entire state of Texas including:

- DFW Dallas Fort Worth

- Austin

- Frisco

- Houston

- Galveston

- The Woodlands

- Plano

- San Antonio

Wisconsin | Entire state of Wisconsin including:

- Milwaukee

- Dell Grove

- Middleton

- White Fish Bay

- Mequon

- River Hills

- Madison

- Green Bay

Psychological Evaluations For:

- Military & First Responders

- Bariatric, Pain Management & Medical

- Pre-Employment Public Service Jobs

- Mood Disorders, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar

About Dr. Bruce

Therapy For Trauma, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety

Subconscious Recalibration Method

COPYRIGHT © 2024 | Dr. Bruce Parsons, PLLC